Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

An Essay Sample For Softskill

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Topic: People attend college or university for many different Reasons (for example, newexperiences, career preparation, Increased knowledge). Why do you think peopleattend college or university? Use specific examples to support Reasons and your answer.

most people come to a university college or college to gain more knowledge in the art,for example if the school in the senior high school we only get a general science at the university, but if we only had the education to support the course and many lectures to facilitate get a job, it is correct because many companies want to get one of the best in their field. and there are many people who want a better education than their parents, if the person is not better even worse education than the education of his parents then that person can not be said to be a success, but success is not dinilai of successful educational level but judging from her ability to get one he wants, means success is not judged himself from others.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb