Minggu, 07 Juni 2015

Simple Future

Mountaineering Argopuro
The vacation of idul fitri, mountaineering, i will do that i will climb the mountain mount argopuro, mountain argopuro is a mountain; found in java indonesia.A high mountain argopuro 3.088 meters height.This mountain is often also called argopuro.A volcanic mountain argopuro that is no longer active.
This mountain including part of the iyang located in district probolinggo , east java .Mountain argopuro is the highest peak of the mountains iyang and was in a position in between mount semeru raung and mountain .Argopuro is the sixth highest mountain in east java after mount semeru , arjuno mountain , raung mountain , mount lawu , welirang mountain , and became the highest the tenth in the island of java .There are some of the top of which is owned by this mountain .The top of that famous named the top of rengganis / welirang ( topografichen ) dienst in 1928 .While the peak was exploded at a distance 200 m in the direction south rengganis the top .The highest peak is called argopoero and marked with a pillar of the height of ( triangulation ) .
Mountain argopuro have dipterokarp forest area of a hill , dipterokarp over the forest , the forest of montane , an ericaceous forest and forest or mountain .This mountain is in the district probolinggo , district lumajang , jember district , bondowoso district , and situbondo district , with the top of rengganis in the district jember .In the area of the top of rengganis reputedly according to the story of the community around rengganis living goddess , the sister of roro kidul nyai.
Because ascent this time is very long and in need of workers the strength of the has a lot of studies the mountaineering argopura, studies the climbing it compulsory what else the mountain argopura very long there must be a hundred channels, and that is why i will study the ascent to not lost on the streets and i will prepare a good physical in order that the body not readily exhausted and cannot be easily sick.
The possibility of ascent this time i need the funds buy large enough to do the ascent of the logistics for later , therefore i will find the funds by way of saving or save the money to fund college snacks that i need to climb mountains argopuro enough.

And i will find refrensi the price of transport to avoid fraud the price of transportation, when it has done all i will be ready for the mountain medaki argopura pendakiaannya relatively long lane.

Active To Passive Sentence From Each Tense

        a)      Simple Present
Ø  Rio plays football
Ø  Football is played by Rio
        b)     Present Progresisve
Ø  Ilham has looking Debby
Ø  Debby is being looked ilham
         c)      Present perfect
Ø  Hilman has enjoyed  adventure
Ø  Adventure has been enjoyed hilman
         d)     Simple Past
Ø  Lingga approached girl
Ø  Girl was approached Lingga
         e)      Past progressive
Ø  Diki was cooking cake
Ø  Cake was being cooking diki
         f)       Past Perfect
Ø  Ardi had punished dead
Ø  Dead had been punished Ardi
         g)      Simple Future
Ø  Aan will repaired motorcycle
Ø  Motorcycle will be repaired Aan
         h)     Be Going To
Ø  Lingga is going to swim Tirta Yudha pool
Ø  Tirta Yudha pool is going to be Lingga
         i)        Future Perfect
Ø  Pras will have bursh
Ø  Bursh will have been Pras